Dalian Zhongshan Road People's Road single lamp regulation annual saving of electricity costs more than 300,000

In response to the current peak of power consumption this summer, the power supply situation is tightening, the street lighting management office of Dalian Urban Construction Bureau issued four energy-saving measures. It is understood that since May, more than 10 roads including Zhongshan Road, Renmin Road, Changjiang Road, Lu Xun Road and Zhongnan Road have been transformed into single-lamp adjustment control system, saving more than 5 hours per day and saving 25% of electricity. .

On the basis of the use of energy-efficient and efficient street lighting, the city's street lamp management department has implemented single-lamp adjustment control for Zhongshan Road and Renmin Road since May. According to the street lamp management department, there are 686 lamp bases on each of these two roads. Each lamp base has two 400-watt heads inside and outside. The single-lamp adjustment control starts to close the inner lamp head at 23 o'clock every night, and only keeps the outer lamp head for Lighting of motor vehicles. Single-sided light illumination not only ensures the illumination required for normal driving of the motor vehicle, but also guarantees the normal line of sight of the pedestrian walkway.

According to reports, according to the 686 base lamp, it can save more than 5 hours per night and save 25% of electricity. Only the street lighting of these two roads can save more than 300,000 yuan in electricity bills throughout the year. In addition, the City Street Lights has also carried out a single-lamp adjustment control system transformation on more than 10 urban sections of Changjiang Road, Lu Xun Road, Zhongnan Road, Bayi Road and Hutan Road, and has achieved single lamp adjustment.

For the street street where the single lamp adjustment has not been realized, the city street lamp management department also performs time-limited single-lamp illumination by manually controlling the switching time. In addition, after 23 o'clock at night in the area of ​​Shengli Road and Navy Guangzhan Olympic Square, the single-sided power supply was turned off within a limited time; the power-saving economizer was installed on the National Highway 201, and the street lamp power was reduced from 400 watts to 250 watts in some time periods. Save power by reducing power.


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