The best way to shape the dividends in the Internet of Things trillion market is?

The wave of Internet of Things has continued to fever in recent years, detonating huge market opportunities. Research firm Gartner's market research report said that there will be 63 devices connected to the Internet of Things per second worldwide. It is expected that the Internet of Things market will reach the order of 100 billion US dollars between 2015 and 2020. The research report from Zheshang Securities also predicts that by 2020, the overall size of China's Internet of Things will exceed 1.8 trillion yuan. Under the general trend of the Internet of Everything, the market size of the Internet of Things will be further expanded.

However, compared with the outbreak of the entire Internet of Things market, each enterprise is still concentrated on the hardware side in the process of grabbing the Internet of Things market. However, the data end generated behind the Internet of Everything is used less, and data analysis is urgently needed by vendors. Pay attention to it.

Trillion Internet of Things market formation

At the moment, the Internet of Things has been integrated into society and unconsciously changed people's lives. Starting from smart phones, mobile phones can send text messages, surf the Internet, remotely control TVs, call cars, pay money... to various smart hardware applications, such as smart bracelets, smart watches... and then to governments and enterprises to create smart cities and wisdom. Communities, smart homes, etc. are all features that make use of the Internet of Things to access the Internet. While the popularity of the Internet of Things is expanding, the market size of the entire Internet of Things is also exploding.

Gartner's market research report believes that there will be 63 devices connected to the Internet of Things per second worldwide. It is expected that the Internet of Things market will reach the order of 100 billion US dollars between 2015 and 2020. Xively's analysis of the Internet of Things PaaS platform also shows that by 2020, there will be 40-80 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things, of which government equipment will account for at least 7.7 billion, with a total value of about 2.1 billion US dollars, and an estimated return on investment of 4.7 billion US dollars. There will be 10 IoT devices per capita.

In China, from the infrastructure sector to logistics and distribution to the defense field, the application range of the Internet of Things is expanding. According to the research report of Zheshang Securities, the scale of China's Internet of Things industry has reached 750 billion yuan in 2015, an increase of 29.3%. It is estimated that by 2020, the overall size of China's Internet of Things will exceed 1.8 trillion yuan.

The Internet of Things trillion market formation The best way to tap the bonus is?

Data analysis becomes a weakness

Behind the outbreak of the trillion market, manufacturers are more focused on the hardware side of the Internet of Things, but the data generated by the Internet of Things has expanded less. It can be said that as a key to the Internet of Things, if the data end link is difficult to penetrate, the Internet of Things trillion market will be difficult to break out. Kevin Ashton, the father of the Internet of Things, has previously pointed out mercilessly: those smart wine bottles, smart bikinis, smart water cups or something, is not really the meaning of the Internet of Things. In his eyes, the real meaning of the Internet of Things lies in the efficient big data.

The development of the Internet of Things has accumulated huge data so far. According to statistics, the global data flow reached 800,000 picobytes in 2009 (1PB is approximately equal to 1 million GB), and it is expected to reach 35 terabytes in 2020 (1ZB is approximately equal to 1 trillion). GB), including household data, public data, personal data, and business data. But as of now, 80% of this data has not been well integrated and structured.

The key to the Internet of Things is the peer-to-peer categorization and logical association of data. This is precisely what manufacturers in the IoT industry chain have overlooked.

Only one small node from the Internet of Things - the smart bracelet can be seen one or two. The smart bracelet that had been raging before, claimed to record the healthy exercise through data by synchronizing the daily exercise, sleep, and other real-time data, and synchronizing these data with mobile phones and tablets. This seems to be a good thing for technology to change life. However, in the absence of the company's deep analysis of data, relying solely on the user's own judgment, the smart bracelet has become a kind of "false intelligence." The medical profession has no mercy to point out that there are certain limitations in the use of smart bracelets to detect sleep. The monitoring results can only be used as a reference for sleep quality, and more entertaining. It has no practical significance for patients with insomnia. After a period of experience, the user put the smart bracelet on the shelf, to a certain extent, also illustrates the failure of the smart bracelet. And if the company collects the data, analyzes it, peer-to-peer categorization and logical associations, and then gives users some hints, the results may be different.

Open cooperation is the best way to tap the Internet of Things bonus

The huge market value of the Internet of Things is undoubted, and the data resources it generates are even more unlimited. However, it should be noted that the IoT links hundreds of millions of units, and the collected data, in addition to the huge amount of data, fragmentation, industry differences, etc., makes it too weak to want to conduct data mining alone. If the data cannot be effectively integrated and analyzed, then only a pile of flooded data will be generated, and like garbage, it will become another misplaced treasure, which also violates the original intention of the development of the Internet of Things.

Therefore, while the industry is vigorously developing the hardware end of the Internet of Things, the data end generated by the Internet of Things also needs to build a win-win and open form for enterprises, hardware manufacturers, service providers, and product users to share data values. Making the future life more intelligent and convenient, so that the Internet of Things market can develop faster.

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