Li Feifei: Data open source is extremely important for the development of artificial intelligence

Li Feifei, a professor at Stanford University and an expert in artificial intelligence, with the outbreak of artificial intelligence, the Chinese scientist who once gave a speech on TED has gained a large number of fans in China. On January 4, Li Feifei entered Google at Stanford University on academic days and served as chief scientist of Google Cloud. In an interview with the First Financial and other media at the Future Forum 2017 in January 14, Li Feifei said that the cloud platform is the largest computing platform in human history and can help the development and transformation of all vertical industries. She also mentioned that artificial intelligence needs to learn from large amounts of data, and open source data is very important to the development of the industry. Looking forward to the landing of artificial intelligence in the medical field Artificial intelligence is experiencing explosive growth both at home and abroad, and a large number of innovative companies have emerged in every aspect of the industrial chain.
When it comes to the landing of artificial intelligence, Li Feifei said that the maturity of algorithms, big data, and computing resources has given artificial intelligence more application scenarios. Many aspects can already be industrialized and brought to domestic and foreign practitioners. confidence. Li Feifei: Data open source is extremely important for the development of artificial intelligence. She also said that he is most willing to see the application of artificial intelligence in the medical and health field, because this is what humans really need, and today’s artificial intelligence has come to be able to do for the medical industry. It's time to contribute. Which areas have a large amount of data accumulation may accelerate the development, such as medical imaging. In addition, precision medicine is also an area where artificial intelligence technology can help its development. In the application scenario of the robot, the depth and breadth of the industrial application far exceeds the home. Li Feifei thinks that this is because the learning ability of artificial intelligence is still relatively weak. Under such circumstances, there will be more scenes of industrial applications. The application in the home is more accurate because of the more possibilities and challenges, and the high requirements on the scene. Li Feifei also described the work she will do at Google. Previously, she said that one of the reasons for joining Google Cloud is that the cloud platform has the largest data resources and computing resources. He hopes to bring artificial intelligence to millions of households. Although it is impossible to disclose its work in Google too specifically, Li Feifei also told reporters that with the assistance of the cloud platform, there have been many developments and transformations in the fields of finance, retail, health care, manufacturing, sports and entertainment. Opportunity. AlphaGo is a milestone After Google’s AlphaGo defeated South Korean chess king Li Shishi last year, on January 4th this year, AlphaGo’s upgraded Master defeated the top players of the world’s top players, Ping Tingqi, Chen Yaoqi, and Nie Weiping, and achieved an impressive 60-game winning streak. "AlphaGo is a milestone in the development of artificial intelligence." When talking about the two rounds of man-machine battles, Li Feifei said that artificial intelligence did not break out overnight. It was many generations who had spent many years of hard work before they came to this day. In history, artificial intelligence has challenged human intelligence many times, and there will be new milestones in the future. She believes that from the game with Li Shishi to the current 60-game winning streak, "feeding" to AlphaGo has played a more crucial role in the data, which is very helpful to improve the system's learning ability. There is a lot of room for change in the game of Go. Even if mankind has accumulated for many years, it does not mean that the method of Go is included. Due to its powerful computing power, AlphaGo may have captured some of the ways to make decisions, which humans have not previously encountered, and these are derived from big data. In the speech of the forum, Li Feifei also raised such a question worth considering: Artificial intelligence will change the world, then, who will change artificial intelligence? In an interview with an reporter, she said that the discipline of artificial intelligence is just starting. Don't say genius in humans. Even ordinary people have many abilities, such as social, cognitive, and learning abilities. Actually, there is no artificial intelligence algorithm. And the system can match. “If we can get more people involved in the education and research of artificial intelligence, we can encourage the development of more diverse technologies. Only in this way can we see the technical explosion.” The Importance of Data When Talking about AlphaGo Li Feifei also cited another example: For example, when visually training a computer, take a photo of 1,000 chairs to let it learn. According to people's ideas, the first thought may be that the chair has several components. The process of machine learning is not necessarily from this point of view. They may find new features that are not specifically understood by humans, but through the induction of these features, a new chair can also be identified. The premise of “recognizing a new chair” is that there are a large number of different types of chair photos for computers to learn. As a scientist of computer vision, Li Feifei said that he hopes to use artificial intelligence algorithms that can learn the visual world to identify images and video, and let computer vision bring light to the digital world. Computer vision is a branch of artificial intelligence that trains computers to identify specific objects in pictures. A rich data set is a very important factor. She claims that she is inspired by her child's learning process. Artificial intelligence needs to learn from a large amount of data. It should be used to provide computers with more extensive data training, just like during the development of children's brains. "If every company is guarding its own data, it will limit the development of many artificial intelligence algorithms when the data is not open source." Li Feifei called for data open source to be very important for the development of the entire field of artificial intelligence.


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