The problem of "information isolated islands" is obviously a hindrance to long-term integration of the domestic machine tool industry.

The problem of “information isolated islands” is still serious. Under the rate of resource sharing, input and output are not ideal. However, for each company that manufactures machine tools, it has not slowed down the pace of informatization and has been groping on the road to informatization.

In the 1980s, the machine tool industry enterprises in China have stepped toward the pace of informatization. There have been more than 20 years of history, which has promoted the development of the machine tool manufacturing industry and achieved certain results, but overall, it is informatized. The requirements for promoting industrialization are still far from one another. The problem of “information isolated islands” is still serious. Under the rate of resource sharing, input and output are not ideal. However, for each company that manufactures machine tools, it has not slowed down the pace of informatization and has been groping on the road to informatization.

The reporter interviewed Chang Chunbai, director of the information center of Changchun Zhongxin Machine Tool Factory. He said that each of our work on the informationization line must be detailed and clearly defined. It is mainly implemented in five steps:

The first PDM design data management, CAPP (computer-aided process design) standard implementation. This section is mainly to build a PDM and CAPP application platform, so that relevant technical personnel are familiar with the PDM work environment, master static product data management, to achieve a quick query, generate a list of compliance requirements, usually product parts list, purchased parts list, etc. .

Obvious system integration in China's machine tool industry is a long way to go

The second is to implement design process management and related change management. Changes are frequent in the design. This process is mainly implemented by PDM management data, changes, and version management. Make digital pictures of managed products real, authentic, and available to other departments. The management of the design process is mainly to optimize this system, fully optimize our original design process, and improve product design results.

Third, the division of labor. Material quotas, equipment flow chart implementation.

The fourth is product configuration and deformation design. This piece is currently very difficult to implement in the implementation process, we all know that product configuration, product changes, a great necessity, implementation is very difficult, and now further improvement.

The fifth and current integration of this ERP system in the facility.

Implementation becomes a priority, then integration will be a top priority. In this regard, it is reflected in the complete digital inspection provided by the entire platform. This includes three textual analysis checks of integrity, relevance, and accuracy. Finally, it involves the integration with ERP. This integration is data generated in CAPP. Through this integrated interface to the digital transmission of ERP, this is the process can determine the scope of the data transmitted this time, you can determine the delivery of products and types, after the end of the transfer can be built in the ERP system cost library.

The integration of the system must first address data sharing. The product data of machine tool manufacturing comes from CAD and CAPP, so CAD and CAPP must be able to automatically provide accurate, complete, and standardized data for ERP, especially for multi-variety production companies. It will be an obstacle in the implementation of ERP. Therefore, the application of PDM system to solve the integration of CAD and CAPP and ERP, on this basis, the implementation of ERP will be guaranteed. If an enterprise only pays attention to the implementation of ERP, then the situation of unfavorable information implementation by enterprises will reappear.

The integration proposed here is not only the integration of systems, but also the integration of information technology and advanced manufacturing technologies. Information technology is accompanied by innovation, permeability, driving, and multiplicity, but it can't replace the expertise in manufacturing. The development of modern manufacturing technology has accumulated many years of experience, and it is constantly updated and progressed. Therefore, to make information technology play its role in the manufacturing industry, it must be combined with manufacturing technology. We must take the route of combining information technology with advanced manufacturing and management technologies.

Chang Chunbai cited an example: “Computer graphics is the foundation for solving CAD drawing and design. At present, we have applied this technology in manufacturing. However, how to design drawings is advanced and reasonable in structure. A function, easy to manufacture, but mechanical design technology, so CAD must play a role, it must be combined with product design technology."

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